The Lausitz-Rallye is already three and a half months ago. And I am still completely euphoric. Not as much because of the colourful cars – okay, they were rather cool too – unfortunately I just did not get much of the action. No, it is something more fundamental that still touches me.
It is the fascination, how 1000 helping hands, that is 500 people, create something great. And the pride to contribute to this as a small wheel in this huge machinery. And I have not even met most of them personally.
The actual rally weekend was just the highlight of the team effort over the whole year.
And what is the reward for this? Well, good feedback from those with whom one is directly in contact? Yes, certainly. Response in the social and not entirely social media? Equally important. New friendships? Unvaluable.
However, it is much more the feeling, to have set up an awesome rally, where teams and fans equally had fun.
My personal highlights
Our press office was always occupied with two to three persons. In addition to the all-round support of the media representatives, we also wanted to implement our own ambitious communication plan. Through Facebook and Instagram, we wanted to get as close to the rally acion as possible, interact with fans and share many photos and impressions. It is for you to estimate to what extent this social media live coverage was successful. Did you miss anything? What was good? Should we do it the same way this year? Your feedback is always welcome.The WP 3 on saturday morning was exciting. We went live with Instagram to provide the fans with first-hand information. Dirk Richter and Anja Vogel greeted us in good humour with less great news: 'We don't have a fifth gear anymore'. What now? 'Keep driving and then we will get through somehow'. It worked and in the end they occupied the 15th place and were very happy at the finish.
Also, there was Alfred Gorny, sunday night, 0:30 am, in my car. It was dark and pretty cold. While all the others were still celebrating in the party tent, we typed the final report on the Lauitz-Rallye with the laptop on the knees. We finished at 01:15 am. This was special, this was great.
A call from the rally headquarters. Please urgently phone back the Clerk of the Course (Uwe Schmidt). No sooner said than done. 'Are you doing Facebook?' 'Yes'. 'Then please write that the fans must stay exclusively in the spectator zones, otherwise we'll have to cancel'. This was when the discussion really started. Who is right? Who knows better? Guys, guys...Not to forget the race control. Equipped with the camera, I „ambushed“ the colleagues to take some significant pictures. Okay, the officials, who work at a high level of concentration just wanted their peace, but where else does one get so close? Thank you for your understanding.
I especially keep these episodes and many other situations in mind. And I think everyone who took part has at least as much to tell.
Responsibility and joy at the same time
In general, the loyal and professional dealings with each other was a real highlight. Everyone was tensed because of the huge responsibility, of course. Will everything be fine? Will the schedule be followed? Will all helpers and partners be at the right place to the right time?
In spite of all the strain, the communication with each other was clear, fair and above all with the right words. Of course, i can only judge from my point of view.
That's why I can only recommend to every rally fan to „change sides“ to understand what is behind the organisation of such a great event. You get the opportunity again in 2020. Be seeing you!
Author: Björn Fröbe