It was quiet for a long time, but we were not idle. In the background, the rally preparations are running at full speed. Talks with sponsors, coordination with the FIA and DMSB, preparation of the road book and safety plan - many people involved currently have a lot to do.
Digitalization picks up speed
As you hopefully already noticed, there have been some changes on our website as well. We have refreshed the layout and given ourselves a modern look. The now slightly dusty design had to give way to a fresh look and especially the mobile display for smartphone and tablet has been optimized- Full SpecMarketing gave us great support and we say thank you.
Corona and no end?
The tiresome subject of the Corona is causing us to grow grey hairs again this year. Seriously, the conditions under which we are allowed to hold the Lausitz-Rallye are not yet fully clarified. The study of the latest Saxon Corona Protection Ordinance will hopefully bring some more clarity. But it is already foreseeable that we will have to adjust to a tight and demanding timeline again. For you as fans this is anything but ideal, and unfortunately for us as organisers too. Nevertheless, we are cautiously optimistic about the race with the local authorities, so that we can hopefully organize our rally again with numerous fans.
Exclusively personalized online tickets
If we are allowed to start with spectators, contact tracking for visitors is mandatory in any case. Whether the 3G (vaccinated, recovered, tested vistiors) or 2G (only vaccinated or recovered visitors) model will work for us is yet to be decided. This also means that we will only offer personalized online tickets. There will be no box office at the entrance to spectator points. We ask all fans for their understanding and consideration, because otherwise the additional organisational effort for us as a club would not be manageable. We will publish further information about ticket purchase in the coming weeks.
Juniors at the wheel
With the permission of the FIA and the DMSB, young drivers with a minimum age of 16 will be eligible to start at the Lausitz-Rallye for the first time. Some German and European "young guns" have already signalled their coming.
Start of entries well underway
As of today, 28 September, 21 teams have already registered for the Lausitz-Rallye. Registration at the reduced entry fee is still possible until 5 October, those who register later have time until 21 October.
After last year's cancellation due to the pandemic, we can look forward to our Hungarian Trabant crew around András Serényi. Hopefully the horn will be used a lot and loudly again. Three Norwegian and one Finnish team are also already registered and eventually they will bring some more from the Nordic countries. Whether Anders Grondal will take up the fight with Matthias Kahle will become clear within the next few weeks. As the final round of the "FIA European Rally Trophy", we are hoping for a few more European crews from the eight regions.
As you can see, the organising team around Wolfgang Rasper is already working flat out with a lot of commitment and passion. Keep your fingers crossed that we can finally celebrate another Lausitz-Rallye in 2021 with highly motivated fans and equally enthusiastic teams.
Author: Björn Fröbe